Saturday, May 3, 7:30am - Shotgun Start
Scoring Social: --- Saturday, May 3, Following round -- Clubhouse
Buffet will be provided
Signup Deadline:
Friday, April 25th
Entry Fee:
$35.00 + Green fees
Individual Stableford
Stableford Competitions are addressed in the Rules of Golf under Rule 32. Stableford is a form of stroke play and, with few exceptions, the rules for stroke play apply. Points are awarded as follows for this Shamble event:
Double Bogey or worse: minus 1 point
Bogey: 1 point
Par: 2 points
Birdie: 3 points
Eagle: 5 points
Each player will be assigned a point goal based on 36 minus their handicap x 90%. For example, if a player has a 10 handicap, 90% would be a playing handicap of 9 and their goal would be 36 – 9 = 27
points. Add up the point goals of the four players and you get the points goal of the team. The team with the most points over their goal wins. Each golfer will play from the tees they selected when signing up for the CGA.
The CGA will take all golfers in order of their handicaps and divide them into four groups to get the A, B, C, D teams.
1. The tournament will be a "Shamble" format. Everyone tees off from their own tee and the team elects to play from the best tee ball. From that point on everyone plays their own ball into the hole. No gimmies - put them out.
2. This is a "gross score" event. No strokes or pops given, that's been factored into your team quota.
3. After a double bogey you can pick-up to help the pace of play.
4. Preferred lies between the tree lines.
5. Bunkers- play it as it lies.
Prizes and Points:
1st Place Team: $TBD; Points - 10 per man
2nd Place Team: $TBD; Points - 8 per man
3rd Place Team: $TBD; Points - 6 per man
4th Place Team: $TBD; Points - 4 per man
Flights and payouts will depend on participation