September 13th, 7:30AM Shotgun Start.
Scoring Social: --- Saturday, May 3, Following round -- Clubhouse
Buffet will be provided
Signup Deadline:
Friday, September 5th
Entry Fee:
$35.00 + Green fees
18 Hole Tournament – 3 Six Hole Matches.
All three matches are Match Play
Teams and Matches selected by CGA Board in the same fashion as the Putt Pirate
A-B-C-D Brackets
Holes 1-6 Format - Two Man Shamble: Both players hit from the best tee shot and then play their own ball all the way through the hole. Low net of the two teams wins that hole.
Handicaps at 80% for each player. Divide by three for only 6 holes. Example: Player A is a 8 handicap. Player B is a 12 handicap. Player A = 8 X 80% = 6.4 / 3 = 2, Player B = X 80% is a 9.6 / 3 = 3.2 (round down to 3).
1 Point for a Six Hole Win – ½ point for a draw towards the team total.
Holes 7-12 - Two Man Alternate Shot: Team chooses a player to hit tee shots on all odd numbered holes and the other hits tee shots on all even numbered holes. Play is then alternated through the hole. Low net of the two teams wins the hole. Handicap: Total both players’ full handicap/ divide by 2. Then divide by 3 for only nine holes. Example: Player A is a 4 handicap and player B is a 12. 4 + 12 = 16. 16 divided by 2 is 8. 8 divided by 3 for nine holes is 2.7. Halves are rounded as .5 or above are rounded up. Team A handicap for 6 holes is 3 and if Team B handicap is 4, Team B gets one shot on the lowest handicap hole.
1 Point for a Nine Hole Win – ½ point for a draw towards the team total.
Holes 13-18 Singles: Match Play Each player plays their own ball tee to green. The low net score of the two players wins the hole and 1 point - 1/2 point for a draw towards the 2 day team total. Handicap: Each player receives 100% of his handicap, played off the lower handicap player. Example: Player A is a 4, his opponent Player B is a 12. 12 -4 = 8. Player B will get 8 shots from Player A, on the lowest 8 handicap holes.
1 Point for a Nine Hole Win – ½ point for a draw towards the team total for eac of the two matches.
Team Total:
Team with the most points wins the CGA Cup. Tie breaker on total team points will be team total points won on Saturday's single matches.
Tie Breakers:
No tie breakers on individual matches. Each team, or individual in singles, will receive a half point for matches that end in a tie.
Prizes and Points:
Prizes: TBD based on total participants
Champion Golfer of the Year Points:
5 point to each member of winning team
2 participation points for everyone who competes.