Tournament: Saturday, May 6 -- Shotgun Start! Roughly 9:00 - 9:15 am
Signup Deadline:
Wednesday, May 3
Entry Fee:
$35.00 + Green fees
Individual Stableford
Stableford Competitions are addressed in the Rules of Golf under Rule 32. Stableford is a form of stroke play and, with few exceptions, the rules for stroke play apply. Points are awarded as follows: -1 - Triple Bogey or worse, 0 – Double Bogey, 1 – Bogey, 2 – Par, 3 – Birdie, 5 – Eagle. Each player will be assigned a point goal based on 36 minus their handicap. For example, if a player has a 10 handicap then their goal is 36 – 10 = 26 points. The golfers in each flight with the highest number of points over their quota will be the winners. Each golfer will play from the tees they selected when signing up for the CGA.
Based on the results of this tournament in respect to exceeding quota or missing quota, future Stableford event quotas will be adjusted +1 stroke for every 3 points over quota in the previous Stableford and -1 stroke for every 3 under quota. As an example: A golfer enters the first Stableford with a handicap of 10, his quota is 26, and he scores 29 points to quota. In his next Stableford event his handicap has dropped to a 9, his quota would be 27, and his adjusted quota would be 28 due to his beating his number by 3 points in the previous Stableford tournament.
1. The tournament will be an individual stroke play event.
2. This is a "gross score" event. No strokes or pops given, that's been factored into your quota.
3. After triple bogey you can pick-up to help the pace of play.
4.Playing condition rules will be determined the day of this event.
5. Current bunker rules apply. All bunkers are in play and you are allowed to rake and place your ball -- within the bunker.
Prizes and Points:
Overall winner: $150; Points - 12
1st Place Flight: $100; Points - 10 per man
2nd Place Flight: $60; Points - 8 per man
3rd Place Flight: $40; Points - 6 per man
All participants receive 2 points for playing
Prize dollars to be determined based on total registrations
Scoring and Social:
Scoring will take place immediately following the tournament on the deck at the club. There will be no social event associated with this tourney.